Saturday 17 January 2009

tagged by dang zaiton xp

1) Do you think you're hot? oh,hell no.haha

2) Upload a favourite picture of you

3) Why do you like that picture? pasal pic atu rugged.i'm waring red underwear outside my pants XP

4) When was the last time you ate pizza? entah yoo....lama udah..

5) The last song you listened to? the flood by escape the fate

6) What are you doing right now besides this? tiarap,thinking of something hoping that something could be mine.. x)

7) What name would you prefer besides yours?
beside me?sebalah nama me? haha..antah..nama enoy? xP

8) tag 5 people

1.niena 2.romy 3. yuyu 4.idah 5. feeqah

9) who is number 1?
niena,my classmate in mtssr.. xP

10) number 2 is having a relationship with who?
entah,siapa romy? CXP

11) say something about number 5?
she's openminded,chill and photogenic

12) how about number 4?

13) who is number 3?
i.cousin si aleng XPta

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