Monday 26 January 2009

i'm talking rubbish right here! right here :D

today is 26th of January,Monday and it's holiday. i wanna say happy chinese new year to all my chinese friends. i guess this is the year of buffalo? or it's cow? kali lah jua..

oh yeah,i guess there's less update of my daily dull boring life, other than being tagged..betimbun banar.. nah, plus i got no intersting story to be posted. plus nowaday i less jalan-jalan makan angin like dulu-dulu masa tua..haha.. xP except for school 6++am - 4pm.. actually school started at 8. due to traffic in jangsak,beribi and the way to airport.. i automaticly wake up 5.30 :D haha tia karang... kana katuk jua lagi,pai tebangun... hahah using alarm clock is not my type...selalu if pasang alarm, i will switch off them and continue my sweet is that xP hahaha.. now i realise i'm fuxxing sleepyhead.. :S i need to shoo shooo it away.hehehe..

well last night si niena text me,if i wanna go to miss pei punya house..beraya laaaa.. :D cari angpow :P hehee. lastnight i was like,entah ah.. i don't know either should go or not..haha.. pasal i rather playing footy than to jalan ;P hahaha... but i text one of bois if they got plan to do...and.. NADA PLAN so there's no footy .. so i took my bath and did everything that should be done, so i went to niena's. and i got tihi tarik made by her mum.nyaman :) thankies
so bincang-cincang, ambil si qayum, then kerumah si adi..hehe in rimba.

and kami ketawakan jubur ku.. oppps.. i mean laugh my ass off xP hahahaa.. masa aga si qayum.pasal he's wearing smart berabis.. i mean berabis lah..except tuck-in atu. and ties xP
even ia pakai kasut smart ..totaly not casual lah.. where kami pakai T and jeans..and slippers..what ever it called..haha x) so chill kajap arah adi.. meruah biliknya,play with the nikon d90 :) snap picturesss. while kami tunggu si adi makan and everything..qayum went to his house kajap..tukar baju casual :P booo hoo.. inda jauh lah the rumah..macam 3min drive..

about 12.30 perjalanan... start to move our ass to hafiz's somewhere in Lambak kiri. picked him up and move our asses to tutong..stop ourself for lunch in masali?or misali? luruskah?hehehe.. pelupa jua sikit lah xp.. hahah.. then pusing back to hospital tutong to pick Er.. so 4 people at the back,and dua di dapan lah..haha and the mistake is we used toyota echo :P hahaha sadin yoo... aku inda pulang xP aku driver saja :) hehehe.. then back to the street,off to ms.pei house ;P

hehe..entah,i dont even know what time we arrived there.. enjoy our food..hehe i have it 2 rounds..hahaha..baie,makin bulat wah ku.. si PO kali aaaaa xP hahah.. nah.. ;D so lapas makan,layan parut sorang-sorang..cerita-cerita and begambar sama miss and daughter nya.. if not mistaken named fatin? yakah? hehehe.. eh kamu,anak miss mau arah ku wahhh xP hahaha..nada deh :) hehe.. then jalan ke pantai seri kenangan.. chillin at the beach.. yeah.. i'm loving it :) hehe.. sana kajap lari-lari,begambar.. tunggu hujan turun then start to balik...

so i send semua lah,off to huaho kajap try to suprise someone there, tapi inda menjadi,pasal orangnya balik sudah.. xp you know who you are xP hehehe.. :) so i'm off..sangal tangan menaip..hehe :)

& not to forget, cayang. happy 1st monthsary.. Long way to go cayang :) i love you so much.

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