1. You 'miss call' instead of calling or sending sms.
kata madd: save budget ;p
2. You always say "kapih ku.. bila terima/keluargaji/overtime/elaun ah?"
kata madd: malas kan belanja wah ni.. nya orang karit betakang..keke
3. You park your car as close as possible to your destinationarea.
kata madd:turun tia lamak..
4. You speak Malaysia if you meet Malaysian, speak Indonesia ifyou meet Indonesian.. and so on.
kata madd:semua bahasa pandai kali aahh..
5. You are asked to go to a "meeting" but actually you will onlybe "listening".
kata madd: haha,ani malas mencurahkan idea bah yaw..
6. You go to someone's wedding, you give money using an envelopeand put your name on it or if you think you don't give enough you useablank envelope.
kata madd: mun benama duit atu banyak tu eh...mun kusung, takut kedapatan peradian membagi sikit ganya..
7. Indo mee is your staple food and Ayamku is your fastfood.
kata madd:ani paling cali yaw.. cubatah brunei mee,nyaman jua sikiit didangar..kfc,mcD,jolibee inda?haha
8. The term 'balik kampung' is almost not applicable.. since youcan 'balik kampung' everyday.
kata madd: apa jua basar brunei yaaw..kan?kan?
9. Motorcyles and bicycles are not your transport, they are yoursport.
kata madd: iya iyalah..mun masane basikal kan transport ke kb..au tercramp batis...moto atu..antah ah..
10. When you see local tv camera around you during the day, then atnight you will watch local news... and hoping to see yourself ontelevision.
kata madd: yatah yang tahun sekali membuka tv brunei,tarus gagas ne pukul 8 pacak-pacak dapan talibisen..
11. You drive your car on wavy and potholed road.
kata madd:nada kumen ;p
12. You receive official news faster by mean of "mouth" than by"written".
kata madd: gila bah ne yaw.. liat saja if ada result apa-apa keluar.. paling laju kali ah pakai mulut..
13. You like electronic products from Japan.
kata madd: au ehh... jepun kali ahh..
14. If you have the chance to call a radio show and before you areasked to hang-up, you say 'boleh minta putarkan lagu?'
kata madd: pendangar setia kali ah..mana mau dangar mp3,cd.. mesti dangar RADIOOO..
15. You are in BIG debts and refuse to pay the lenders and yet stilldrive a CLK and live in a mansion.
kata madd: orang brunei andang kaya.... kaya utang ;p
16. You wear baju kurung with large katoks and maniks all over.
kata madd: pesen kalii ahh.. orang dulu-dulu amas dari jari ke siku..ani manik saja...save budget..
17. You are loud and speak in melandih way.
18. You and the whole family have the same car plate numbers.
kata madd: supaya urang kenal.. ani anak si anu ne..plat lisen samaa.. haha typical banarr..
19. You spend your $$$$$ on your wedding even though you are broke.
kata madd: inda tahu ah..alum pernah kawin ;p
20. You become Akademi Fantasia fanatics.
kata madd: masa ne p2f yooo...
21. You know most of the people here - "eh si anak si anu eh saudarasi blabla".
kata madd: macam inda ramai bah orang brunei ne.. semua kan kenal..
22. You drive to the shop next door even though the shop is only 100meters away (except maybe in Kampung Ayer).
kata madd: panas kali ah kan jalan kaki,luntur tia make up,itam tia neee... astaaaaa
23. There will always one food left in a plate yang berhidang.
kata madd: kesian jua tu makanan satu-satu nya tinggal.. mun kitani kana tinggalkan..gerenti menangis..
24. When you want to get some service from the government agencies,you will find your saudara first.
kata madd: "mun ada kajen apa..sanang masuk"
25. If something goes wrong, you will say that one of the datos,pehins is your relative (or at least they know you).
kata madd:no comment ;p
26. You cannot live without Brudirect's HYS.
kata madd: i still cannn yaww... brudirect for me is to view advertisement ;p
27. You give you children super long name.
kata madd: dayang siti nur nurul sharifah bazilah salehah nauzubillah..
28. You rush to a new shopping mall just to beat everybody else eventhough it's just another Hua Ho.
kata madd: apa ada baru yaw? pembukaan ramai chix kali ah..
29. You wave your hand while driving to other drivers that you know.
kata madd: si aji ne..kereta baru ne..biar ia kenal aku ;p
30. You are able to pay (or not) for one or two amahs who are mostlikely an Indonesian or a Filipino.
kata madd: not sure.. bruneian ada yang mau jadi amah? NOTTT..
31. You are ok to be fat.
kata madd: inda jua semua kali ah..pacah ehh..
32. You are a busy body with other peoples' news, especially the badones, and you think your responsibility is to know and to spread itaround.
kata madd: anak sendiri buat ani,buat atu inda tahu..udah tekana baru malu.
33. Your friends get married on the same day and you don't know whotogo to.
kata madd: jangan datang dua-dua.. haha ;p cakap busy aku kawin jua..
34. You like to stare at phones for 24 hours and chat on MSN.
kata madd:save wah ne yaw..
35. You say "Mun paham bisai" (this needs no further explaination) .
kata madd: mun inda paham inda bisai? BISAAA!
36. You have to wear 'cool' attire everywhere, even on holidays.
kata madd: nit only bruneian wah ne,esh esh..
37. You add "BUI" on each sentence.
kata madd: yatah bui..anu wah bui.. walaupun namanya bukan si bui..kadang-kadang terkana bini-bini pun te bui bui jua..
38. You think exercising, being hyper active, competition are forlittle kids.
kata madd: yatah macamana kan ne.. inda mau maju sukan untuk negara..
39. You can't type or spell properly properly, example "hw r u? hy mynme s si org brnui"
kata madd: iatah sudah composition karang ne.. banyak fail..haha
40. You add "me & you" on your converstations with your girl/boys mates.
kata madd: haha..terasa me eh ;p
41. You listen to Pelangi FM and Kristal FM.
kata madd: haha.. samang~!!!
42. You think fake Von Dutch,Juices products are the best.
kata madd: haha baie ehh.. xp macam ampit ku membali ;p
43. You are especially racist to Indian workers.
kata madd: haha.. ngapa yakan ah? c'moon laaaa...
44. You would rather go to shopping malls than hanging out at parks,having a picnic with your friends.
kata madd:yatah ne..haha..bawa picnic siuk inda banya keluar duit.. haha
45. You have 'candas' in your house.
kata madd: chopstick ada jua..haha AMBUYAT sama ngambil lauk panas-panas..
46. You read this blogsite because all your friends are reading itandyou don't want to be left behind.
kata madd: si ninun punya blog ada gambar kami kali ahh...haha ;p
47. You rush to get a $99 handphone not caring about the limitedfeatures coz you think anything cheap is a bargain.
kata madd: canggih jua tu..jangan tah mahal-mahal bah yo..sama jua untuk video call,meses,and betalipaun..sama online!!WAJIB..
48. You have two handphones - one for DST and the other for BMobile(for one month and then switch off one or the other).
kata madd: aulah .. mun di messege ani makai b-mobile,kita makai dst,mahal jua tu.. 1.5c!
49. You always try to runding the policemen who caught you speeding.
kata madd: haha..ani yang sadis jua.. ;p
50. Always say " Panas Brunei ne".
kata madd: mun mau pindah yo... jangan tah dihina eehh xp
51. Yellow IC la
kata madd: setentunya lah.. BANGGALAH jadi rakyat BRUNEI ;p
alright,don't blame if here.. i just get this in my email. :D